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This Week at our Place

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This Week At Our Place: Sick Week Essentials

Five little things that helped facilitate place sharing amidst a stressful week of head/chest colds.

1. A giant snuggly blanket.

You might as well be able to envelop everyone at once -especially when we're all sick!

You might as well be able to envelop everyone at once -especially when we're all sick!


2. An invaluable herbal intervention.

This company has superior transparency and a wonderful mission for growing their herbs.

This company has superior transparency and a wonderful mission for growing their herbs.


3. A quiet afternoon of I Spy.

I loved these books as a child, and for some reason hadn't shared them with the kids until yesterday, when restful, picture-book-hunting was the perfect activity for sick kids.

I loved these books as a child, and for some reason hadn't shared them with the kids until yesterday, when restful, picture-book-hunting was the perfect activity for sick kids.


4. Wood fire heat.

This wood stove is one of my favorite parts of this house. 

This wood stove is one of my favorite parts of this house. 


5. Some hand stitching to do while snuggling with sleepy sickies.

This is a quilt I'm making with shibori indigo dyed cotton.

This is a quilt I'm making with shibori indigo dyed cotton.

Things for sick days:

What are your sick day (or week) essentials? 

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This Week At Our Place

Five little moments of place sharing from my week.

1. Bee pollen: for getting ahead of allergy season.

The goal is that I'll be helpful in the garden instead of miserable!

The goal is that I'll be helpful in the garden instead of miserable!


2. A view that I'm trying to imprint into my brain, every day I can while we're still in this house.

To all of you who sent me a note of encouragement as we look for a new rental, thanks!

To all of you who sent me a note of encouragement as we look for a new rental, thanks!


3. Juniper berries in the loveliest tiny hands.


4. Noodle Face.


5. Front porch bling.
