Pasture Raised Heritage Turkey

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Pasture Raised Heritage Turkey

from $44.10


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We're offering heritage turkeys to anyone who can meet us for pickup near I-5 between Fort Jones and Seattle!

Heritage Turkeys are known for their rich, flavorful meat. We chose the Bourbon Red variety for their excellent reviews among top chefs, and because their delicious name tantalized us! Our turkeys are pasture raised and given feed with no hormones/chemicals/antibiotics.

Our birds will be between 6-15lbs dressed and we're charging $7 a pound. We're delivering the turkeys frozen on our trip from Fort Jones to Seattle, and we'll be in communication with you about delivery.

Why Heritage?

Choosing heritage is a matter of preference and conservation. Heritage turkeys in the oven tend to weigh between 7lbs and 20lbs, which is a lot smaller than your typical Butterball. This is because conventional turkeys have been bred for a short life of packing on the pounds; their natural instincts to feed themselves, to mate, to care for young, and to defend their flock have been weakened through selective breeding for more commercial traits. Many factory farmed turkeys are so biologically manipulated to gain weight that they can't even stand up towards the end of their lives.

Heritage turkeys are more similar to wild turkeys; our poults instinctively knew how to eat and drink as babies (which you don't see in conventional birds) and they have been able to supplement 14-18% of their diet with food they foraged for themselves on our pasture. 

Heritage breeds retain unique genetic characteristics that strengthen the turkey species as a whole; they are essential genetic assets that you are helping to conserve by choosing to buy them. 


Back in June, our turkey poults were administered 7 days of antibiotics to address a respiratory infection they brought from their hatchery. Before deciding to use the antibiotics, we lost half of our flock, but once we administered the medicine, all the turkeys got better. They have never used any kind of chemical treatment again.

We believe that factory farming over-uses antibiotics, resulting in an upset of the livestock's natural biochemistry and a dependency on more chemical interventions. We don't believe in using antibiotics on the regular, which is why the dose we gave our birds was short, targeted, and without lasting effects. We're telling you about it because we are committed to being transparent about our practices so you can make the most informed decision about your purchase.