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Growing just around the corner or on the outskirts of your town are apples ripe for the picking! Here are some tips for finding a spot for a little weekend outing with your people, gathering your own fall harvest of future pies, applesauce, cider and/or apple butter!

  • Search on Facebook for u-pick orchards near your city. Facebook pages will often contain the most recent updates for varieties in season, opening times, and prices.

  • Take a walk around your neighborhood and identify apple trees that are going untouched this year. Perhaps you can knock on someone's door and ask to harvest their apples (and make a new friend?)

  • Search this directory for registered orchards by state.

  • Get permission to harvest apple trees that are decorating green spaces in your local business park, library parking lot, schoolyard -apple trees are literally everywhere and many groundskeepers would be happy for someone to save them the hassle of cleaning up after an ornamental apple tree.

  • Plant your own to supply apples in the years to come!

