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This little ewe lamb is April fooling you —babies don’t eat hay! While the flock eats, even the smallest lambs mimic their mothers, pretending to nibble. They won’t start really feeding off of solids for another month or so.

Our flock is two thirds of the way through lambing season and so far we’ve got two healthy babies for every mama! Zero losses!!

Last week we got sixteen babies all in one huge group! It was exhausting but actually super helpful. We achieved this by putting our ram outside the ewe pen for several weeks to encourage all the ewes to “sync up.” Since we have some stragglers who haven’t lambed yet, we’re thinking either we should put the ram nearby earlier, or our first-time ram just needed a couple rounds to do his job. 😬😂

Every season we learn, every season we dial things in a little more. 🐏
